Delete Call

Delete a Call

The Flyflow API allows you to permanently delete a specific call by making a DELETE request to the /call/{id} endpoint. This operation removes all information associated with the specified call ID from the system.



DELETE /call/{id}


  • Authorization: The API key prefixed with Bearer. Example: Bearer your_api_key.

Path Parameters

  • id (string, required): The unique identifier of the call you want to delete.

cURL Example

curl -X DELETE \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer your_api_key" \

Replace call_id with the actual ID of the call you want to delete.

Python Client Example

from flyflowclient import Flyflow
client = Flyflow(api_key='your_api_key')
call_id = 'call_id'
result = client.delete_call(call_id)

Replace call_id with the actual ID of the call you want to delete.


Status Codes

  • 200 OK: The call was successfully deleted.
  • 401 Unauthorized: The API key is missing or invalid.
  • 404 Not Found: The specified call ID does not exist.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: An unexpected error occurred on the server side.

Response Body

If the call is successfully deleted, the response body will be a JSON object containing a success message:

  "message": "Call deleted successfully"

Error Handling

If an error occurs while deleting the call, the API will return an appropriate error response with a corresponding status code and error message in the response body.

For example, if the specified call ID does not exist:

  "error": "Not Found",
  "message": "Call not found"

Make sure to handle errors appropriately in your application and provide the correct call ID in the request.


Deleting a specific call using the Flyflow API is straightforward. By making a DELETE request to the /call/{id} endpoint with the required call ID, you can permanently remove the call and its associated information from the system. The API will return a success message upon successful deletion. Remember to handle errors and provide the necessary authentication and call ID to ensure a smooth integration with the Flyflow platform. Be cautious when using this endpoint, as the deletion operation is irreversible.